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Train your AI



Editor Feature

Training the AI is a very important step in adding power and intelligence to your conversations. It enables the AI to tailor its responses to your respondents based on the specific content you input for training. You can provide snippets of information to the AI that can be used for specific responses and questions.

When inside the conversation editor you will see a "Train the AI" section. Under here you can add any number of snippets that provide context and information to the AI. These snippets are added as extra context when communicating with the user.

This can be very helpful when you want the AI to be able to respond to specific questions or provide specific information to the user.

For example, you can add some details such as "We're open from 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday". With this given information the AI will be able to provide these details to the user as needed. If the user ask when they are open for example, the AI will be able to respond with something like "We're available to assist from 9am to 5:30pm on weekdays, we are closed on weekends".

To train the AI all you need to do is open the "Train the AI" section.From tehre

Once open you can add/remove/edit snippets of information to the AI. Once you're happy with the information provided, you can test how the AI uses this information in the editor, and or publish your changes.

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